Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More information on how to kill German cockroaches

More information on how to kill German cockroaches. It is very important for you to know how to identify the German cockroach especially if you plan on a  DIY (Do it Yourself) treatment. Just remember there is a lot to getting rid of roaches and this particular roach is a very hard roach to control, so if you are not successful call a professional.

        German roach
The German cockroach is the cockroach of concern, the species that gives all other cockroaches a bad name. It occurs in structures throughout Florida, and is the species that typically plagues multifamily dwellings. In Florida, the German cockroach may be confused with the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai Mizukubo. While these cockroaches are very similar, there are some differences that a practiced eye can discern.

German cockroach is found throughout the world in association with humans. They are unable to survive in locations away from humans or human activity. The major factor limiting German cockroach survival appears to be cold temperatures. Studies have shown that German cockroaches were unable to colonize inactive ships during cool temperatures and could not survive in homes without central heating in northern climates. The availability of water, food, and harborage also govern the ability of German cockroaches to establish populations, and limit growth.

        German roach egg
Egg. Eggs are carried in an egg case, or ootheca, by the female until just before hatch occurs. The ootheca can be seen protruding from the posterior end (genital chamber) of the female. Nymphs will often hatch from the ootheca while the female is still carrying it. A typical egg case contains 30 to 40 eggs. The egg case is a tiny, brown, purse-shaped capsule. It is about 8 mm long, 3 mm high, and 2 mm wide.

German roach larva
Larva or Nymph. The nymphal stage begins with egg hatch and ends with the emergence of the adult. Nymphs are dark brown to black in color, with distinct dark parallel bands running the length of the pronotum. Nymphs do not possess wings. The number of molts required to reach the adult stage varies, but the most frequently reported number of molts is six. The stage between molts is called an instar. At room temperature nymphs complete development in about 60 days. All developmental stages actively forage for food and water.3rd instar nymphnewly molted adult

        German roach adult

Adult. The adult is 10 to 15 mm long, brown to dark brown in color with two distinct parallel bands running the length of the pronotum. The sexes can be distinguished by the following characteristics: male - body thin and slender, posterior abdomen is tapered, terminal segments of abdomen visible, not covered by tegmina (leathery outer wings); female - body stout, posterior abdomen is rounded, entire abdomen just covered by maleadult female
Life Cycle

German roach life stages
when you look for more information on how to kill german roaches you need to understand that the German cockroach has three life stages typical of insects with incomplete metamorphosis: the egg, nymph, and adult. The entire life cycle is completed in about 100 days. However, factors such as temperature, nutritional status, and strain differences may influence the time required to complete a life cycle. German cockroaches breed continuously with many overlapping generations present at any one time. Under ideal conditions, population growth has been shown to be exponential. Actively growing field populations are comprised of 80 percent nymphs and 20 percent adults. The German cockroach is omnivorous, eating table scraps, pet food, and even book bindings.
German cockroach - Blattella germanica (Linnaeus)
Blogged with the Flock Browser


  1. Very effective tips on how to get rid of German Roaches.

  2. am a DIYer, I dislike having a stranger come in a spray who knows what all over. Thank you for this help.

  3. German roaches are not only a problem in Florida, but you will find plenty of them in New York. Very informative blog post.

  4. Nice article--luckily I don't have them and have never seen them in my neck of the woods.(Orlando). But it's nice to know how to get rid of them. One thing I dislike are the roaches here in Florida.

  5. This is a very detailed article about how to kill German cockroaches. I found it very helpful as I have this problem.

  6. I might be missing some part of this article as it really doesn't seem to detail how to effectively eliminate a roach problem. As a landlord I've battled German roaches for years and tried so many different products you can't believe it. You should see all the products I've purchased and how much reasearch I've done learning about their habits, etc. The one and only way I've found to wipe them out is to freeze them out. This is how you do it. If you ever have the house empty in a cold weather climate, winterize the house by blowing the water out of the plumbing lines with an air compressor and put RV anti freeze in the traps. Turn the heat off and open up the windows on a very cold day. This does work, I promise. The best thing about it is it doesn't cost much of anything at all to do, and you aren't putting chemicals all over your house. During the warm months it seems like Advion Bait Arenas do seem to work.

  7. Anonymous:
    Most fail at cockroach control because of the follow up; here is the last post(I am going to repeat this. Like any other pest, such as ants, fleas, bedbugs and termites cockroach control takes patience and most important is the follow up.) at this link just copy and paste.
